Assertion Reason Questions class 10 Science Quiz – 2

Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE QUIZ 2

Here is the QUIZ for Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE. This quiz includes Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE from all the chapters mentioned here :

  • Chemical Reactions and Equations Settings
  • Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Metals and Non-Metals
  • Carbon and Its Compounds
  • Life Processes
  • Control and Coordination
  • How Do Organisms Reproduce?
  • Heredity 
  • Light – Reflection and Refraction
  • The Human Eye and the Colorful World
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  • Our Environment

How to Attempt :

  1. Click on the   button to start the quiz.
  2. Select the correct option.
  3. After selecting the option you will be guided to the next question.
  4. After finishing the quiz, you will get your score with the correct answers.


  • (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  • (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  • (C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
  • (D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.


  • Analyze each statement independently before considering their relationship.
  • Pay attention to logical connections between the Assertion and the Reason.
  • Use subject knowledge to verify the accuracy of the statements.

Fill this form with correct information.

1 / 25

1. Assertion (A): The energy required to carry out different life processes is obtained in the form of ATP.
Reason (R): ATP is produced in the mitochondria during cellular respiration.

2 / 25

2. Assertion (A): The coil of a heater is cut into two equal halves, and only one half is used in the heater. The heater will now require half the time to produce the same amount of heat.
Reason (R): The heat produced is directly proportional to the square of the current.

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3. Assertion (A): Zinc reacts with sulphuric acid to form zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas.
Reason (R): Zinc reacts with oxygen to form zinc oxide.

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4. Assertion (A): Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator.
Reason (R): Phenolphthalein changes colors in a basic medium.

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5. Assertion (A): Bending a wire does not affect its electrical resistance.
Reason (R): Resistance of a wire is proportional to the resistivity of the material.

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6. Assertion (A): Electric current flows in a circuit when the circuit is closed.
Reason (R): A closed circuit provides a continuous path for the flow of electrons.

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7. Assertion (A): pH of a solution is less than 7 if it is acidic.
Reason (R): Acidic solutions have higher concentrations of H+\text{H}^+H+ ions.

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8. Assertion (A): Failure of growth hormone secretion from an early age causes dwarfism.
Reason (R): Adrenaline is a stress-related hormone.

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9. Assertion (A): When the object moves with a velocity of 2 m/s, its image in the plane mirror moves with a velocity of 4 m/s.
Reason (R): The image formed by a plane mirror is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.

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10. Assertion (A): Tungsten metal is used for making filaments of incandescent lamps.
Reason (R): The melting point of tungsten is very low.

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11. Assertion (A): Olfactory receptors are present in the cerebellum.
Reason (R): Olfactory receptors detect taste.

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12. Assertion (A): Pungent-smelling gas is produced when sulphur burns in air.
Reason (R): Sulphur trioxide is formed on reaction of sulphur with oxygen.

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13. Assertion (A): In an electric circuit, a fuse wire is used as a safety device.
Reason (R): A fuse wire has a high melting point.

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14. Assertion (A): Alloys are commonly used in electrical heating devices like irons and toasters.
Reason (R): Alloys do not oxidize (burn) readily at high temperatures.

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15. Assertion (A): Bleaching powder is used to disinfect water.
Reason (R): Bleaching powder reacts with water to produce chlorine.

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16. Assertion (A): A person loses most of their intelligence, memory, and judgment after brain surgery.
Reason (R): The tumor was located in the cerebrum.

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17. Assertion (A): Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity.
Reason (R): Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents.

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18. Assertion (A): The energy required to carry out different life processes is obtained in the form of ATP.
Reason (R): ATP is produced in the mitochondria during cellular respiration.

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19. Assertion (A): Plaster of Paris is stored in a moisture-proof container.
Reason (R): Plaster of Paris sets into a hard mass on wetting with water to form anhydrous calcium sulfate.

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20. Assertion (A): Antacids neutralize the effect of extra acid produced in the stomach during indigestion and thus provide relief.
Reason (R): Antacids are mild bases.

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21. Assertion (A): The chemical formula of bleaching powder is CaOCl2\text{CaOCl}_2.
Reason (R): Calcium oxide reacts with chlorine to form bleaching powder.

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22. Assertion (A): Metals like iron corrode in the presence of air and moisture.
Reason (R): Corrosion is the process of oxidation.

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23. Assertion (A): A rainbow is formed when sunlight passes through raindrops.
Reason (R): Sunlight undergoes refraction, dispersion, and internal reflection in raindrops.

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24. Assertion (A): Barrier methods are the most preferred method to prevent STDs.
Reason (R): Condoms help to prevent the contact of bodily fluids between male and female.

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25. Assertion (A): Organisms with a large surface area to volume ratio lose heat quickly.
Reason (R): A larger surface area facilitates faster heat exchange.

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