Assertion Reason Questions class 10 Science Quiz – 3

Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE QUIZ 3

Here is the QUIZ for Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE. This quiz includes Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE from all the chapters mentioned here :

  • Chemical Reactions and Equations
  • Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Metals and Non-Metals
  • Carbon and Its Compounds
  • Life Processes
  • Control and Coordination
  • How Do Organisms Reproduce?
  • Heredity 
  • Light – Reflection and Refraction
  • The Human Eye and the Colorful World
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  • Our Environment

How to Attempt :

  1. Click on the   button to start the quiz.
  2. Select the correct option.
  3. After selecting the option you will be guided to the next question.
  4. After finishing the quiz, you will get your score with the correct answers.


  • (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  • (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  • (C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
  • (D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.


  • Analyze each statement independently before considering their relationship.
  • Pay attention to logical connections between the Assertion and the Reason.
  • Use subject knowledge to verify the accuracy of the statements.

Fill this form with correct information.

1 / 25

1. Assertion (A): The child sex ratio is declining at an alarming rate in some sections of our society.
Reason (R): Female foeticide is being carried out recklessly.

2 / 25

2. Assertion (A): Food web consists of only producers.
Reason (R): Specific enzymes are required for the breakdown of substances in the environment.

3 / 25

3. Assertion (A): HIV-AIDS is a viral disease.
Reason (R): It spreads when infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluid enters the body of a healthy person.

4 / 25

4. Assertion (A): The rainbow is seen when the sun is behind the observer.
Reason (R): Rainbow is produced due to the dispersion of white light by small rain drops hanging in the air after the rain.

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5. Assertion (A): A normal eye can clearly see all the objects beyond a certain minimum distance.
Reason (R): The human eye has the capacity of adjusting the focal length of the eye lens.

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6. Assertion (A): Myopia is the defect of the eye in which only nearer objects are seen by the eye.
Reason (R): The eyeball is elongated.

7 / 25

7. Assertion (A): The various components of an ecosystem are interdependent.
Reason (R): Food chains and webs are formed due to linkage in organisms.

8 / 25

8. Assertion (A): Magnesium ribbon keeps on burning in the atmosphere of nitrogen.
Reason (R): Magnesium reacts with nitrogen to form magnesium nitride, and this reaction is a combination reaction.

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9. Assertion (A): Chips manufacturers usually flush bags of chips with oxygen to prevent chips from getting oxidized.
Reason (R): Use of antioxidants prevents rancidity.

10 / 25

10. Assertion (A): Variations are seen in offspring produced by sexual reproduction.
Reason (R): DNA molecules generated by replication are not identical to the original DNA.

11 / 25

11. Assertion (A): The image formed by a concave mirror is certainly real if the object is virtual.
Reason (R): The image formed by a concave mirror may be virtual if the object is real.

12 / 25

12. Assertion (A): The sex of a child is determined by the mother.
Reason (R): Humans have two types of sex chromosomes: XX and XY.

13 / 25

13. Assertion (A): Amoeba reproduces by multiple fission.
Reason (R): Generally, unicellular organisms reproduce asexually.

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14. Assertion (A): Ozone layer is getting depleted in the upper atmosphere, and it is a serious cause of concern.
Reason (R): CFC reacts with ozone and breaks it.

15 / 25

15. Assertion (A): Urethra in human males acts as a urinogenital canal.
Reason (R): Urethra carries only urine, while sperms are carried out from the body by the vas deferens.

16 / 25

16. Assertion (A): The light of violet color deviates the most and the light of red color deviates the least while passing through a prism.
Reason (R): For a prism material, the refractive index is highest for red light and lowest for violet light.

17 / 25

17. Assertion (A): The stars twinkle while the planets do not.
Reason (R): The stars are much bigger in size than the planets.

18 / 25

18. Assertion (A): In human males, testes are extra-abdominal organs present inside the scrotum.
Reason (R): Scrotum has a relatively lower temperature needed for the production and storage of sperms.

19 / 25

19. Assertion (A): White light is dispersed into its seven-color components by a prism.
Reason (R): Different colors of light bend through different angles with respect to the incident ray as they pass through a prism.

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20. Assertion (A): The height of an object is always considered positive.
Reason (R): An object is always placed above the principal axis in this upward direction.

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21. Assertion (A): The focal length of the convex mirror will increase if the mirror is placed in water.
Reason (R): The focal length of a convex mirror of radius RR is equal to f=R/2f = R/2.

22 / 25

22. Assertion (A): Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity and plays a role in the origin of new species.

Reason (R): Sexual reproduction involves the formation of gametes and fusion of gametes.

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23. Assertion (A): Polythene bags and plastic containers are non-biodegradable substances.
Reason (R): They can be broken down by microorganisms into natural, simple, and harmless substances.

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24. Assertion (A): Iron articles are galvanized to prevent rusting.
Reason (R): Galvanization is the process of coating the iron article with a thin layer of aluminum.

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25. Assertion (A): A geneticist crossed two pea plants and got 50% tall and 50% dwarf in the progeny.
Reason (R): One plant was heterozygous tall, and the other was dwarf.

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