Assertion Reason Questions class 10 Science Quiz – 1

Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE QUIZ 1

Here is the QUIZ for Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE. This quiz includes Assertion Reason Questions for class 10 Science CBSE from all the chapters mentioned here :

  • Chemical Reactions and Equations
  • Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Metals and Non-Metals
  • Carbon and Its Compounds
  • Life Processes
  • Control and Coordination
  • How Do Organisms Reproduce?
  • Heredity 
  • Light – Reflection and Refraction
  • The Human Eye and the Colorful World
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
  • Our Environment

How to Attempt :

  1. Click on the   button to start the quiz.
  2. Select the correct option.
  3. After selecting the option you will be guided to the next question.
  4. After finishing the quiz, you will get your score with the correct answers.


  • (A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  • (B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
  • (C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
  • (D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.


  • Analyze each statement independently before considering their relationship.
  • Pay attention to logical connections between the Assertion and the Reason.
  • Use subject knowledge to verify the accuracy of the statements.

Fill this form with correct information.

1 / 25

1. Assertion (A): Kidneys regulate the water balance in the body.
Reason (R): Kidneys filter waste products from the blood.

2 / 25

2. Assertion (A): Respiration in humans involves both inhalation and exhalation.
Reason (R): Respiration provides energy for life processes.

3 / 25

3. Assertion (A): Ethanol burns in air to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Reason (R): Ethanol undergoes combustion in the presence of oxygen.

4 / 25

4. Assertion (A): Silver chloride turns grey in sunlight.
Reason (R): Silver chloride decomposes into silver and chlorine in sunlight.

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5. Assertion (A): Resistance of a wire increases with its length.
Reason (R): Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the wire.

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6. Assertion (A): Sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride and water.
Reason (R): This reaction is a neutralization reaction.

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7. Assertion (A): Blood flows through arteries at high pressure.
Reason (R): Arteries have thick, elastic walls.

8 / 25

8. Assertion (A): Plaster of Paris is stored in a moisture-proof container.
Reason (R): Plaster of Paris sets into a hard mass on wetting with water to form anhydrous calcium sulfate.

9 / 25

9. Assertion (A): Resistance of a wire increases with its length.
Reason (R): Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the wire.

10 / 25

10. Assertion (A): The sky appears blue.
Reason (R): Blue light is scattered the most due to its shorter wavelength.

11 / 25

11. Assertion (A): An electric bell works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
Reason (R): The bell strikes when the electromagnet attracts the striker.

12 / 25

12. Assertion (A): A convex mirror is used as a rearview mirror in vehicles.
Reason (R): Convex mirrors produce virtual, erect, and diminished images.

13 / 25

13. Assertion (A): Baking soda is used as an antacid.
Reason (R): Baking soda is acidic in nature.

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14. Assertion (A): The chemical formula of bleaching powder is CaOCl2\text{CaOCl}_2.
Reason (R): Calcium oxide reacts with chlorine to form bleaching powder.

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15. Assertion (A): Metals are ductile.
Reason (R): Metals are malleable.

16 / 25

16. Assertion (A): Certain pesticides and other chemicals used to protect crops are non-biodegradable.
Reason (R): They do not get accumulated at various trophic levels.

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17. Assertion (A): Carbon dioxide is a by-product of aerobic respiration.
Reason (R): Oxygen is required for aerobic respiration.

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18. Assertion (A): A concave mirror forms a real and inverted image of an object placed beyond its focal length.
Reason (R): Light rays converge after reflection from a concave mirror.

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19. Assertion (A): Soaps are effective in soft water.
Reason (R): Soaps form scum in hard water.

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20. Assertion (A): Hydrogen gas is evolved when a metal reacts with an acid.
Reason (R): Hydrogen gas is displaced by metals from acids.

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21. Assertion (A): Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells.
Reason (R): Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which traps light energy.

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22. Assertion (A): The energy currency of the cell is ATP.
Reason (R): ATP is produced during cellular respiration.

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23. Assertion (A): Metals like iron corrode in the presence of air and moisture.
Reason (R): Corrosion is the process of oxidation.

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24. Assertion (A): Power is transmitted at high voltage to minimize power loss.
Reason (R): Power loss in transmission is proportional to the square of current.

25 / 25

25. Assertion (A): Plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis.
Reason (R): Oxygen is released as a by-product of splitting water molecules during the light reaction.

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