DPP -11B31




1. Define Gemma.

2. What are Rhizoids?

3. How is the leafy stage formed in mosses? How it is different from protonema?

4. Differentiate between Red algae, Green algae and Blue algae?

5. List the 4 classes of plant’s belonging to the fern group.

6. List the differences between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

7. What is the role of the capsule in the life history of mosses?

8. Mention some uses of ferns.

9. What is Heterospory? What is its significance.

10. Difference between Monocots & Dicots.

11. Explain in brief the structure of prothallus of fern.

12. describe the similarities of sexual reproduction of moss and fern.

13. Why are bryophytes regarded as ‘the amphibians of plant kingdom’?

14. Describe the important characteristics of gymnosperms?

15. Explain briefly the alternation of generation in bryophytes.

16. Give the classification of plant kingdom?

17. What are the characteristics of ferns?

18. Roots of some gymnosperms have fungal association. Give example, their name and role in plants.

19. Describe the main features of pteridophytes.

20. What are gymnosperms? What are its 4 classes?

21. What do you understand by double fertilisation?

22. What is the role of capsule in the life history of moss?

23. Gymnosperms can show polyembryony. Why do you think so?

24. Why pteridophytes are regarded as the first terrestrial plant?

25. Name the plants which exhibit heterospory and seed habit?

26. What is a cone?

27. What is the bases of classification of algae?

28. Explain briefly:

(i) Isogamy
(ii) Antheridium
(iii) Sporophyll
(iv) Archegonium