DPP – 11B21





Q1. Define experimental taxonomy?


Q2. What are red tides? Why are they caused & why are they harmful?


Q3. Viruses and viroids differ in structure and disease they cause. How?


Q4. Give one example of fungus as a source of antibiotics?


Q5. Explain phylogenetic system of classification?


Q6. What is the basis of Whittaker’s system of classification?


Q7. Why some fungi are grouped under “fungi imperfecti”?


Q8. What are the demerits of five kingdom classification?


Q9. Give scientific name of species of fungus:-

  • (a) produces a plant disease
  • (b) a source of antibiotic
  • (c) used in manufacture of ethanol

Q10. What is the sexual cycle of kingdom fungi?


Q11. Distinguish between bacteria and cyanobacteria.


Q12. Give a comparative account of classes of kingdom fungi on the basis of mode of nutrition & mode of reproduction.


Q13. What are the different groups of fungi?


Q14. Discuss different system of classification briefly.


Q15. Discuss the salient features of viruses with the help of a diagram?


Q16. Compare salient features of Monera and Protista.


Q17. Why do polluted water bodies have an abundance of Nostoc and Oscillatoria?


Q 18. State the uses of heterotrophic bacteria and archaebacteria which are economically important.


Q19. What is diatomaceous earth? Why are diatoms referred to as ‘pearls of the ocean’?


Q20. Why is Neurospora an important genetic tool?


Q21. What is the role of fungi in our daily lives?


Q22. What do understand by ‘phycobiont’ & ‘micobiont’?


Q23. Are viruses living or non-living?


Q24. Give an account of the asexual reproduction by spores in algae?


Q25.  How is ‘peat’ naturally formed?


Q26. What are characteristic features of euglenoids?


Q27. How many types of bacteria are there?


Q28. What are the advantages of five kingdom classification?

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